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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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longtime arbet of washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. the bush administration told us that the united states went to war to help spread democracy throughout the world but ten years later democracy is on the decline how should america be promoting democracy of foreign nations as the panel of the nights alone liberal rumble also later in the show will have a your take my take it live segment your chance to call in and ask a question or make a comment live on the air and how could factory farming lead to a global pandemic of epic proportions and what can be done to protect the human race i'll tell you and it's
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a daily take. as morning president obama unveiled a comprehensive list of proposals to help combat the epidemic of gun violence in america some of the main legislative proposals included requiring criminal background checks on all gun sales including private sales and strengthening penalties for gun trafficking president obama is also pushing a new assault weapons ban limiting ammunition magazines to ten rounds you also pursue a series of twenty three executive actions these actions include stricter prosecution of would be gun buyers who fail background checks as well as new requirements for federal law enforcement to track guns that are recovered in criminal investigations are also provisions to encourage doctors to act as their patients about gun ownership and report threats of violence made by their patients to law enforcement officials after revealing the various proposals the president was quick to. note
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that overall gun safety can't be enhanced without support and help from the american public as well take a look. i also believe most gun owners agree that we can respect the second amendment while keeping an irresponsible law breaking few from inflicting harm on a massive scale i believe most of them agree that if america worked hard to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. there would be fewer atrocities like the one that occurred in newtown president also called on americans to stand up to pro gun rights groups like the n.r.a. . the only way we will be able to change is if their audience their constituents their membership says this time must be different. so it is a new assault weapons ban have a chance of passing congress and the republicans continue putting the interests of the gun lobby ahead of american lives let's ask tonight's along liberal although i guess they are adam bitly editor in chief at right now at wright daily and horace
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cooper conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research welcome to both of you so let me get that first of all. i think the over the n.r.a. kind overstepped i mean right in the middle of this ad there's this question where the n.r.a. says why does the president get this or his kids when others don't and i'm yelling at the t.v. going because he gets deaf their ads every days that play again president but you know apparently the n.r.a. didn't get that let me just show you these. are the president's kids more important than yours why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our school we he's cute so are protected by armed guards in their schools mr obama demands the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes but he's just another elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security protection for their kids and a gun free zone. so here we
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go attacking the president's kids i mean isn't that appalling oh yes absolutely it's right on target it demonstrates now what happened to luke absolutely of this presidency if he wants us to have a dialogue why don't you talk to the record number of americans the join the n.r.a. this month when we talk to the record number of these are going to should who are running you're changing the subject let me ask you a really simple question if you were getting four five six serious death threats a day if in the last four years there have been eight serious conspiracies to murder horace cooper if that had been broken up by the f.b.i. would you not consider and you had the means to do it would you not consider having an armed guard for yourself or your kids absolutely and that's the freedom that the second amendment allows that he doesn't want to allow for others if i find out on my own and i determine that that's a threat i should have the right to take the precautions he. gave me that well now you certainly can have an armed guard for your kids you know but not to disable my
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mother it's a gun free zone if you if you're getting death threats you send your kids to a school does have armed guards all. kinds of private schools and the liberal in the in the limousine is going to pick them up and take them to that new school and cover all of the two is to do ok so the bottom line is you think that that the best way to protect our children is you're actually buying into this thing wayne la pierre i'd have gone nuts with guns at our schools to protect our kids from gun nuts you were letting all those bureaucratic methods teach i'm willing to at least allow a few people who own guns and who understand the seriousness of them to use them properly but i believe the problem is individuals ought to be free to make the determination do they need a firearm to protect themselves or not i do not believe big brother in washington ought to make that decision or firearm with a thirty shot clip if that's what they determine they need then that's what they need to emulate me as long as they're not a mental incompetent will that the ten shot number two is just kind of arbor. truly
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thrown out there and the other thing to look at here on the ten shuttle hold most almost it says tolls that let's finish this have nine shots more than the chamber think about this for a second what we're talking about is preventing another sandy hook that's what this is all about this is why not necessarily that it's preventing another this there's twenty or thirty of in a row that have been going up ok so joe biden just happened the former committee at the president's backing back in december because of something else not related to say because because we have seen because we have not decided times more nonviolence in this country than any other country on this earth that is you're not going for a very serious matter but it is immature to suggest that what came out today would even prevent another stay in the house of course it's not going to if we did nothing to protect children let's start but that process was all done why did he bring children out on stage. because it gives women a relayed exactly he's far aim with using children but if you run an ad and mention children oh we're going to single you out and his children and his children he
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gives them private schooling that he doesn't give the district of columbia children opportunities these children get in the end there's always a kid's going to have to restructure we should be cut that a.c.i.m. is there just all these things suggested is that american kids should be given security security that they also have an option both of you are absolutely united in opposing any of these very rational steps of saying that weapons of war should be on the battlefield and not in our cities you guys are fighting with weapons of war our cities i don't even understand what you described it sounds to me like if i take a firearm and dress it up in some hollowing costumes suddenly that's a scary weapon of war the i don't know anybody who hunts with an ar fifteen do you actually i do know people that particular weapon is multifaceted and capable of doing a number of things you don't think can be among you need to go fifty rounds out to take out a deer you don't have to shoot multiple times to get it with the first shot but the point is for us to go friends or you know what they are not so. mitt doesn't get to
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tell me what weapon i want to use if i want to go on telling you what weapon you want to use since the founding of this republic you can't own a battleship you can't own a cannon you can't own a surface to air missile you can't own a machine gun and you want to take it all the way to its conclusion that you can't i want to get to the logical conclusion that if somebody if somebody needs a gun for self defense if somebody needs a gun warm or cold blooded are to you get to decide you want to go for hunting so good morning you get to decide that i say that we have a zone for self-defense we the people determine with we the people. ask and i meant it to guarantee that we the people have a broader zone of operation and freedom then you'd like to see a second amendment was put into place in order to in order to have well regulated the lowly wishes adelina act. families from the declaration of independence as surveillance from the king george's policy if you can i mean seven hundred fifty
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seven law in the state of georgia that there would be a well regulated militia in the georgia state the georgia statutes require patrols of the direction of commission militia officers to examine every plantation each month and authorize them to quote search all negro houses for offensive weapons and ammunition and quote and apprehend and give twenty lashes to any slave plantation grounds that's just the beginning of it then patrick henry goes into the virginia ratifying convention weapons and. for obvious reasons because they were slaves a big competitor had to go to another manager i read allies into july and demand a second amendment the second amendment as he says if our country be invaded a state may go to war but cannot suppress slave insurrections under this new constitution without the second amendment if there is what if there should happen to be an insurrection of slaves the country cannot be said to be invaded they cannot therefore suppress it without the position of congress congress and congress alone and this constitution can call forth the militia in this state patrick henry
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said there are two if he was to. two hundred thirty six thousand blacks and there are many in several other states but there are a few in the northern states may congress not say that every black man must fight did we not see this in the last war because people were liberated the last war we we we were not so hard as to make emancipation general but acts of assembly passed that every slave who goes into the army should be free this was an opposition by the southern states the second amendment the militias were slave patrols in those states that's how slavery was in force in the police states of the south and that's what the second amendment was all about no absolutely not you got it completely wrong i think i'm the only person in the building that's taught constitutional law the fourteenth amendment was adopted and one of the measures that the supporters present it was they wanted to guarantee that the second amendment right applied to all the blacks the same way that it applied to all the whites its purpose was to slavery was a liberal so the parts of the second i'm actually slaves and pass along really not no you're making my pavel mostly not the second amendment's purpose was clear and
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that was to undo the fact that the king george was allowed to confiscate at will anyone's weapons in the jurisdiction of those who know what it is that it is through exempt them from being able to fight back if they disagreed with his taxes or any of his policies we want to delay the serving our own government could not do that i mean quote again this is patrick henry speaking at the virginia ratification convention right seven hundred eighty nine and they're debating virginia was the key vote whether or not there could discuss issues going to be put into place and he was demanding an amendment that allowed his state to maintain a militia for the purposes of the slave patrols he said they will search that paper the constitution and see if they have the power of manumission of freeing the slaves and have they not sir had they not the power to provide for the general defense and welfare may they not and then it goes on think that they this calls for the abolition of slavery may they not pronounce all slaves free and will they not be warranted by that power this is no ambiguous implication or low. logical
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deduction the paper the constitution speaks to the point that they have the power in clear unequivocal terms and they will certainly exercise it and that's what we're going to demonstrate exactly the point if you free black man and give them the power to have the second amendment it means that there was some inherent power and privilege associated with it that is a privilege that it applies to everyone now that is a novel new interpretation that you just this is over actually. and you cannot find mainstream scholars who say that the second amendment will play the scene of this conversation right after this more of a long liberal rumble right after the break. download the official publication if you so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television or it just doesn't matter now
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with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. the worse for those. white house or the. radio guy. what. if you've never seen anything like this i'm still. playing.
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what about the lone liberal rumble joining me tonight out of bitly horace cooper let's get back to it tuesday house democrats introduce the public option deficit reduction at this is so cool part of the gotcha to deficit reduction in one sentence which would give consumers the ability to opt into it into a government run health insurance plan in the obamacare exchanges bill sponsored congresswoman jan schakowsky said of the bill quote the public option deficit reduction act will give health care consumers more choices and lower their premiums and by providing a low cost alternative to private insurance it would put pressure on all insurers to lower their premiums in order to compete so is in the public option the best way to lower health care costs the united states at no why not we are already at a point where we're looking at a bill to fix a problem that's already been created as we saw law just this week democrats and republicans in the in congress are faced with having to update the mandate because
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as it stands they're not going to be able to get enough money to fully fund the system that they've already so let's toss the public option in there it's going to be less expense is the ready is forcing or when the make a purchase and it's not working people are not going to buy in the amount that they expected they're saying there is in the h.h.s. right now they're saying you're baffled why will people buy this product why won't they because there's a lot of people that just don't need it don't need health care. a lot of free riders is what. riders are rejoicing used to call it all that just don't require it and they're never going to ever happen now so they're able to sit at a later point but so when you're a leg when you get hit by a bus that's when you're going to call and say hey i'd like to actually as of the new law that's exactly how it works that is that obamacare plate and that seems rather dysfunctional for us this is doubling down on dumb ok everyone looks at our . our of debt and deficit problem and we know that they come from entitlements so
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the solution how about creating an additional meal or data types of problems in the nanny home from our little appropriated funds of course it is if they entered any of tumor is that i bet they'd forward a few words that were on the credit cards who generally are lawyers medicare part d. put on the credit card a trillion dollars are going to make medicare or being a bad thing i mean i don't yet know what you're looking at if i know that we absolutely agree medicare part d. which says that the government may not negotiate with drug companies that pay the full five dollars a bill for ask what is fair as it's about what it cost yes and yes it was another billion dollars a year to add to the pharmaceutical company down is a male vote and ribbon republican thing that was going to allow that way the system you trust the organization already designed to flaunt player play that you just said was dysfunctional i just shook your hand i am it's really hope to very experienced and i say yes i am she wants to or they even done it once i am trusting the united states a very good organization that you guys would trust to put people to death i'm trust
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i do not trust him to put anyone you know i mean i would. have it we have it we have a different difference of opinion here so i do i trust the organization that horsford trust what people do to be able to keep people alive and i bet laughable and well you know ask ask anybody who's been in the military ask them how tri-care works people have ice work on capitol hill we got a litany of complaints about the marvel of government health care in the military context you want to take that and you want to give that to everybody in a much higher matter rating from its customers than do any of the fans but more probably order to say oh. why not have even joyce why are you guys anti choice the anti choice joins we know your posts are you know not she has one of the virus laws and we don't have pride government health care but their government presence is so severe we don't even have. i have one of the real matches stephen jay hemsley who
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took a took a billion dollars in aid from united health care you don't think that's a private i want to pro-choice health care system i don't want to have to pay the bills and if i don't want to raise a public i don't want to have to pay it you don't have to buy it if you don't have them if you don't then you know pellets of obamacare bullshit health care companies you don't pay the government's will go to jail you know if the user is on the you know if you will run jails and on the books you will say they will never ever ever but you will have my own not someone who will say i saw they're not going to show my side of the case because you're part of our society you know you're going to see it what you are paying for is the is the risk premium as you get in an accident even though you. never except the option of people to have freedom you've never really been i was and never accept the option of all of us being in something together of our that and yet in our brother's keeper what it means will be i'm sure you will so i you know you don't either and i was in a place of true have to be in it together or be it on your own why can't you have
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that choice the only choice you allow is the course of one this. and that makes a mockery of joy that you have a choice. on an honest choice where you this is a bit but i mean what we're going to do as i always said not your life choices aerialist anybody this is the fundamental difference in fundamental difference or worldviews basically between the idea that it's all about the individual or the idea that it's all about society or there being some kind of middle ground which i'm advocating which is there's a million areas where we have individual freedom and there are areas really do protect the commons react i don't want the guy sitting next to me prince at least let me finish a sentence was who i don't like to see the guy sitting next to me on the bus stop coughing because he's got to work ulos is because he doesn't have health care because he decided that he wanted to opt out. you know. i hadn't been in oh i have all the. responsibility in the progressive world it is remarkable coercion and coercion urges. first you lose your i.q. out of third worst to pay into health health insurance you are forced to pay social
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security and of course to pay for medicare you go i know you know that stuff you already know to limit a madman from what i see no limiting principle is a poor government only more and more and more to take over from the individual right louisiana governor or the reverse robin hood's have returned bobby jindal now wants to make sure the people making the bottom eighty percent of people in louisiana actually see their taxes go up at the top one percent see their taxes go down as you'd expect yet there you go just the general wants to get rid of course of personal income and corporate taxes to replace them with a higher sales tax cording to analysis by the is to taxation and economic policy as you see from this graph this plan will raise taxes on the poorest eighty percent of louisianans of cutting taxes for the top one percent to break it down the poorest twenty percent pay an extra three hundred ninety five dollars a year the middle twenty percent an extra five hundred thirty four dollars a year the richest one percent get twenty five thousand bucks back republicans in north carolina virginia are also looking at doing the same thing this is wrong this is just plain old flat out wrong you guys are opposed to coordination it even say
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progressive taxation has been one of the worst ideas fostered on this country and it's time to let every american have some skin in the game if you want this service after that you've got to pay for except if you're mitt romney in your other life they will all make a choice of what they're going to buy you know what it's going to do in louisiana what more louisianans are going to be concerned about what government is doing and wanting to limit it so they can sense what is going to happen is the people who spend one hundred percent of their income are going to see on a percent their income taxed and the people in the mitt romney category who spend maybe ten percent or five percent of their incomes on the rest of it this was bank are going to see only five or ten percent their income tax and that's not reasonable that's not fair that's not that's not a fair overhears of all yeah if we're going to have an income tax who of the percentage of someone so we're going to do that we as a nation if we are providing the infrastructure of the court system if we're not providing the currency if we're making a possible for you to make a. living yes about the absolute people make the decision that goes all should be
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paid and thousand people make a decision those people are not lining up at the polls going you know i really like this i really like this really make those decisions his calling judges are ok you're really i didn't know what i told her so i don't know a lot of juggling i don't know what i look like what voter actually goes into the into the voting booth and votes on all the litany of things that you just suggested i think i think i think given that there was between the two parties most of the most most voters actually are dogs over who the ratings are higher if he were up for reelection this year he'd be in a landslide his party's going to gain seats in the legislature this idea is not going to cost him this idea is going to put him on the short list of people who are going to be talked about to run this country now if you tell me what he's doing is bad and you should be glad that he's trying to do it in louisiana so that he could get run out of town and he won't be such a fan of the sales tax is let's take a step beyond that is that was bad. i'm not fan of ending progressive taxation our
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income tax our capital gains tax policies or progressive taxes i personally would prefer a capitation tax everybody over eighteen years of age not in prison not in an infirmary would pay a set fee every citizen in the jurisdiction would pay the same again mitt romney spent one percent of his income in taxes you are saying i don't care how in the beginning you lumped in north carolina virginia with that the virginia plan is actually. elimination of the gas tax which would save eighteen cents really eight hundred cents on every gallon does that not help the poor so the people as i you know be as i say this is the gasoline companies the oil companies are getting a free ride on their external nobody's covering their up and for the cost of that you know what the poor people without a polaroid not answer here outside or milk or can our behavior after their own interests only the burger. it's of no their interest and this was the result of months. just organ it is of our society for gas. that's what i just heard no that
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is not what i just argued what i what i am arguing is that if there are extra analogies that what what you guys in your corporate bodies have got really good at is gaming the system so that the extra analyses are paid for by average working people and poor people and and the extra analogies like the cost of cancers that people get from from our burning gasoline are the cause to global warming from burning gasoline that those costs are never paid by exxon mobil and they're never paid by mitt romney they're paid by the people who use gas right and when you guys all gather to conferences to talk about these things you're flying with corporate jets you drive in in limos and you drive in an s.u.v. i wish i didn't say you but the rest of the progressives when you get together to complain about all these things you don't ever say you're describing the koch brothers retreat so i don't have already know they don't have any doesn't know there's a whole lot of these things happening in colorado that i see that are all the aspen society all of these progressive activities that you get together and come up with you've succeeded once again completely changing the subject ok let me let's go back
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to tax yes if i tell us about why the poor people should pay less gas tax evasion and i absolutely believe that it is fair for every american to participate in the tax process and it doesn't matter how much you make whole high or how low that's not a disguise honestly it's high sounding rhetoric. is not you know this is the way this is the way the system ought to work to give everyone a responsibility and seen to it that we don't ask the government to do the things what your superman is capable so you don't think that somebody who is who is earning well ok if you're all in favor of fairness and taxation and why do you think that why how would you support mitt romney and paris hilton pain only a maximum twenty percent income tax rate when i mean they're here in their lunch on air so how asterix urgent is paid at thirty nine percent i don't care how much money in the pit people have what i care about. if they are causing x. rays well i don't care let's settle right let's do away with the romney loophole
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would you join me and i my point i don't think bush is going to go all in to do away with the rights has little if we can get down to the one seven percent flat rate for everyone yeah sure so. that's that's like the amplifying the mitt romney tax loophole it's not everyone would pay the sales so you're just lower tax rate you're no tax right but everyone i want to pass over so somebody is so you want somebody who's working at wal-mart as a greeter and can barely buy the cat food that they're eating you want them to pay extra taxes maybe they won't be asking for in time you want to raise they won't write letters to say the least dialing god maybe they won't be asking for the public option maybe they want to do in these kinds of things so that the economy grows or as a lever that i'm slightly i'll leave you with the last word thank you very much for the kids. coming up the phone lines are now open for our your take my take a live segment so if you want a chance to ask a question live on the big picture give him give us a call to a tune i know for twenty one thirty four i got to talking with you after the.
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wealthy brit. the sun comes out on.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. on . morning news today violence is once again fled the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are old today.


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